5 Key Mistakes To Avoid When Designing Best Responsive Wordpress Themes
The most common ways for accessing a website has drastically changed over last few years – today as reported more than eight screen sizes are used for internet usage.
With that being said, whether it’s smartphone, tablets, laptops, netbooks, web-enabled TV or computers, websites should look good on all types of devices with easy navigation for the users and that’s where the role of best responsive WordPress themes comes in.
With that being said, whether it’s smartphone, tablets, laptops, netbooks, web-enabled TV or computers, websites should look good on all types of devices with easy navigation for the users and that’s where the role of best responsive WordPress themes comes in.
Similar to every other new solution, there are several mistakes being made – here are five key mistakes to avoid when designing best responsive WordPress themes.
Mistake 01: Hidden Content
When designing a responsive website, it’s completely wrong to think that users who will access it from a mobile device will see it in its simplified version.
According to Google, 90 percent of the web users switch across different devices to get their goals – so limiting their experience in responsive design is a huge mistake.
According to Google, 90 percent of the web users switch across different devices to get their goals – so limiting their experience in responsive design is a huge mistake.
That doesn’t mean that you should copy the same design for the desktop. Developers must see for competent compromises to make sure that all the material is there, perhaps rearranged to fit in a different screen and is easy to navigate.
Mistake 02: Excess Of Resources
E-commerce websites use around 87 resources, loading all these resources may take a lot of time and every developer should avoid this.
A study showed that an extra second of waiting can cause conversion rates to drop tremendously. For example, three seconds have a dire consequence of 57% users reported to leave the website after that.
A study showed that an extra second of waiting can cause conversion rates to drop tremendously. For example, three seconds have a dire consequence of 57% users reported to leave the website after that.
So how you deal with this? Basically, you need to ensure that every device receives only the resource that is required to load the web page. To explain it in simple words, tablets, smartphones, and laptops each need a different set of resources.
Mistake 03: Desktop Oriented Design
Another most common mistake is to first make the design for the desktop and then change the design into responsive situations. This will not work – you better get ready to lose content and face navigational issues.
As an alternative, try to deal the questions backward and design the mobile version of your website first.
This might solve your problem but there is another solution to it. Before creating the website sketch a through plan that you will follow for developing it – this plan will be valid for every version of the website.
This might solve your problem but there is another solution to it. Before creating the website sketch a through plan that you will follow for developing it – this plan will be valid for every version of the website.
Mistake 04: Heavy Images
This is a very common that every developer comes across at some point. Images should be made for different screen resolutions and sizes – a user with an iPad retina screen should see the images differently as compared to a user using a desktop or an android smartphone.
Best responsive WordPress themes use a single markup across the devices, so how can the developer be certain that the right images are sent to the right devices?
Best responsive WordPress themes use a single markup across the devices, so how can the developer be certain that the right images are sent to the right devices?
Mind you this is quite a serious – heavy image can have a serious impact on your page performance and eventually its conversion rate. If you don’t want to risk the performance of your page then have a look around the web, there are many solutions that can help you tackle this issue.
Mistake 05: Forgotten Touch
In the end, the web developer must not forget that responsive design is based on the touch – touch is a fundamentally different form of mouse navigation. For one, it’s much reduced exact and is more prone to errors. That is the reason why all the clickable content should be the right size.
Moreover, buttons and links must not be placed too near to each other – else, you will face the annoyance of users who will be struggling to click the right button.In the end, testing, and testing is all you need to do to make your project development successful.
The constant testing will make sure that the best responsive WordPress themes are working fine on all devices. This will help you save time and you can solve some mistakes during the development phase.
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